Date and Time
Saturday Jul 13, 2024
7:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
7:00 am to 10:30 am.
Adults $11, kids under 7 $9, kids under 4 eat free. Credit Cards accepted.
Contact Information
Robert C. Sparks, Secretary,
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The Belleview Masonic Lodge Country Breakfast Fundraiser will be held Saturday, July 13th, located at the Belleview Lodge #716 on 7420 Old Harding Pike, Nashville, TN 37221 from 7:00 am to 10:30 am.
This delicious all-you-can-eat country breakfast includes county ham, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, hash browns, grits, and biscuits and gravy. Dine In or Take-out is available.
Adults $11, kids under 7 $9, kids under 4 eat free. Credit Cards accepted.
Bring your friends and neighbors. Enjoy the food and fellowship!!
All profits go directly back into our community.